Thursday 27 April 2017

As election nears, 400-plus new generals are minted

Content image - Phnom Penh Post
RCAF Lieutenant General Hun Manet places a star on a navy brigadier general at a promotion ceremony in March. The military minted some 400 new brigadier generals in February, according to a recently obtained decree. FACEBOOK

Thu, 27 April 2017
Mech Dara

Prime Minister Hun Sen in February minted more than 400 new generals in yet another round of mass military promotions, which one observer characterised as a “loyalty scheme” deployed as elections approach.

According to a royal decree signed by King Norodom Sihamoni and dated February 27, 434 army colonels have been made brigadier generals, while four members of Cambodia’s navy also received one star.

The promotions are part of an initiative to elevate soldiers who have served since before 1979, the decree states.

The new batch is in addition to more than 550 new general stars handed out in the last year, further swelling the Royal Cambodian Armed Force’s upper echelons, estimated to have between 2,000 and 3,000 generals.

Speaking yesterday, Defence Ministry spokesman Chhum Socheat said the promotions, which come with a $13 monthly salary bump, according to recent wage figures, showed the military’s gratitude for the troops’ service and sacrifice in helping to topple the Khmer Rouge.

“We do not consider it related to the election. We promoted them because they have struggled for a long time,” said Socheat, who could not recall how many generals RCAF now employed.

Jon Grevatt, a regional defence analyst for IHS Jane’s, said the premier was deploying a long-used tactic to secure support as elections approached.

“As Cambodia moves towards this critical juncture, these types of loyalty schemes will likely increase as a way for Hun Sen to maintain his hold on power,” Grevatt said.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is all Tea Banh's fault. He is the head of the Royal Cambodian Armforce and he copied Thailand's model of corruption. In Thailand, there are 5,000 generals with so many stars. Cambodia has close to a thousand. Why I am not surprised, Tea Banh is a Thai Khmer.

He should follow the Vietnamese model, fewer generals. I think Vietnam has about 50 generals and only 3-4 generals with 4 stars. That's why Vietnamese army is very tough.