Wednesday, 22 February 2012

"Everybody hurts" by REM

Buot Chinda, a 21-year-old garment worker, recovers at Svay Rieng provincial hospital after she was shot in the chest during a protest at the Kaoway Sports factory, near Bavet town, yesterday. DEREK STOUT
Suong Sophorn after the cops’ beating [Photo: The Phnom Penh Post]
A woman crying as her home and community being fed to the bulldozer [Reuters]
A Cambodian child clutching her precious possessions [Google image]
A young girl cries out in pain after receiving a minor injury to her right hand at the Stung Meanchey Landfill in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

“We smile on the outside, but inside we are crying.”
              - The words from a Child Sex Trafficking survivor. []

 And finally: is this man weeping on the outside, but laughing on the inside?

Hun Sen weeping before the international media over the Diamond Bridge tragedy in November 2010.
His public outpouring of grief [and blaming the victims for having engineered their own deaths] would have ranked among the most comical events in recorded history had it occurred under more fortunate circumstances! [School of Vice]

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