Thursday, 2 August 2012

Attorney silenced at Khmer Rouge tribunal

Michiel Pestman (left) and Andrew Ianuzzi, co-defence counsel for Nuon Chea

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia, Aug. 1 (UPI) -- An attorney for a former Khmer Rouge leader was repeatedly cut off at a Cambodian tribunal for questioning the government's complicity in thousands of deaths.

The microphone of Andrew Ianuzzi, representing the former No. 2 man in the Khmer Rouge, was turned off three times as he cross-examined Rochoem Tun, a former Khmer Rouge administrator, The Phnom Pehn Post reported. The defense team's strategy is to demonstrate the government is interfering in the trial.

Ianuzzi was first cut off when he asked Tun Tuesday about the K5 Plan to create a heavily mined strip along the Thai border to prevent the Khmer Rouge from moving between the countries.

"(Prime Minister) Hun Sen may bear responsibility for the K5 plan and any resulting deaths," Ianuzzi said before his microphone was cut off.

He was cut off again after asking Tun if current Foreign Minister Hor Namhong, who was in charge of a detention center for a time during the regime, had not appeared before the tribunal because of the government's fear of his testimony.

Ianuzzi was cut off the third time when he asked if the government had pressured Finance Minister Keat Chhon not to testify.


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