Wednesday 29 March 2017

Beijing and Phnom Penh think about becoming sister cities

An aerial view of the sprawling Phnom Penh city.
An aerial view of the sprawling Phnom Penh city. Hong Menea

Phnom Penh and Beijing are in talks to become “sister cities”, chief of the Chinese Embassy’s political section Wang De Xin confirmed yesterday.
According to Wang, representatives from the Beijing Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, led by committee chairman Ji Lin, met with Phnom Penh Governor Pa Socheatvong on Monday to discuss the partnership.
Reached by phone yesterday, the capital’s deputy governor, Khoung Sreng, said the objective of the meeting was for both countries to better understand each other.
“The main purpose of being sister cities with Beijing would be to support each other . . . to cooperate economically and to promote cultural exchange,” he said.

He added that one of the most important aspects of the partnership would be requesting Beijing’s assistance in areas such as infrastructure, training and the management and restoration of public spaces.
Sreng noted that the focus of the partnership was not to attract foreign investment, but to work with Beijing in selecting local poor communities for targeted help, such as the building of homes.


Anonymous said...

China is very smart thinking about using Cambodia as a big slave. City Sister? Cambodia will be polutted the same as China. China and Vietnam know better that Cambodian PM drunks with the money instead saving Cambodia from the slavery.
China and Sihanouk had a secret friendship since 60s. So what Sihanouk had done while he was involved with this commnunist? Sold Cambodia to China? Who knows? Ah sdach chhkout!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hun Sen once said, "The root of all evil is China." (In reference to China's continuing support for Khmer Rouge at Thai border.)

Anonymous said...

This is all about the stupidity of Cambodia leaders who wanted did not know how to protect their country. China started from a poor communist, today China wants to control Indochina and the world? Cambodia will be disappeared from the world map if ah kwak still in the power.