Tuesday 28 March 2017

Borei Keila activists held over ‘Black Monday’

Sor Son, a Borei Keila land activist, is escorted into a police car after being arrested for protesting on a Black Monday event yesterday in Phnom Penh. RFA
Sor Son, a Borei Keila land activist, is escorted into a police car after being arrested for protesting on a Black Monday event yesterday in Phnom Penh. RFA

Tue, 28 March 2017
Lay Samean

Two Borei Keila activists were arrested and questioned for more than 10 hours yesterday for conducting a small “Black Monday” protest calling for the release of human rights staffers and fellow activist Tep Vanny.

The duo, Sar Sorn and Nat Sreynak, were taken into custody by district police and security guards around 8:30am for wearing black and sloganeering at Borei Keila, while holding banners calling for the release of four Adhoc staffers, an elections official and Vanny. They were let go yesterday evening.

The civil-society-backed Black Monday protests were started last May following the arrest of Adhoc staffers Lim Mony, Ny Sokha, Nay Vanda and Yi Soksan, and National Election Committee official Ny Chakrya.

The protest has grown to include Vanny, who has been convicted and jailed in three separate cases, as well as a call for a transparent investigation into political commentator Kem Ley’s murder in July.

Sorn said authorities asked her why she held the protest, adding that she was made to agree to not hold any more such events. “However, I will continue making these demands because I believe it’s not illegal.”

Veal Veng commune police chief Mok Borunchorsak said he had been instructed by his superiors to arrest activists wearing black and conducting protests. Government officials have likened the protests to a “colour revolution”, a reference to nonviolent movements that have unseated regimes in Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

នៅពេលដែលសារព័ត៌មាន បានយកប្រភពប្រឌិតដែលនិយាយថា "ខ្ញុំលឺគេថា..." ហើយយកពាក្យនេះ ទៅជាមូលដ្ឋានសម្រាប់ការផ្សព្វផ្សាយជាដំណឹង គឺមិនខុសអ្វីពីគ្រូពេទ្យដែលប្រើថ្នាំពុល យកទៅចាក់ព្យាបាលលើអ្នកជំងឺស្លូតត្រង់នោះទេ។ ឈប់បានឈប់ទៅ កុំបន្តរស់នៅក្នុងពិការភាពផ្នែកសីលធម៌ និងក្បត់ឧត្តមគតិវិជ្ជាជីវៈ ដោយសារតែការបម្រើមនោគមន៍វិជ្ជាងងិតងងុល! នៅពេលអ្នកកាសែតឬអ្នកផ្សព្វផ្សាយមានវិប្បល្លសខួរក្បាល ទាំងសកម្មភាពនិងដោយវាចារ វាពិតជាមេរោគសង្គមដ៏អាក្រក់បំផុត។ គួររៀនខ្មាស់ខ្លួនឯងជាមុនសិន ដើម្បីបម្រើជាតិ និងប្រជាជនឲ្យបានល្អ! កុំឲ្យរងគ្រោះដោយឧប្បាយកលប្រឌិតបែបនេះ។