Friday 31 March 2017

Putin Denies Russian Meddling: ‘Watch My Lips: No’



Russian President Vladimir Putin again denied that his country waged an influence campaign targeting the 2016 U.S. election, telling reporters Thursday: “Watch my lips: No.” Putin mistakenly attributed the phrase to Ronald Reagan, but it was actually used by George H.W. Bush when he famously said, “read my lips: no new taxes.” (The claim famously ended up untrue, as new taxes were levied during his presidency.) Putin called the U.S. intelligence community’s assessment a “lie” aimed at pushing an agenda. “All those things are fictional, illusory, and provocations, lies. All these are used for domestic American political agendas. The anti-Russian card is played by different political forces inside the United States to trade on that and consolidate their positions inside,” Putin added.


Anonymous said...

Believing Putin is just like believing McDonald Trump he knows better than
any Generals.

Anonymous said...

And Putin thanks Hillary and Kerry for dealing arms with Russia and lay the blame on Donald Trump. Crook Media and Google and Facebook and YouTube are all going after alternative media to shut them down. Freedom of Speech? Yes, its about an agenda and this is why they will not let go of Trumps pant legs.
Maybe it's all just a show put on by the world rulers making those who support Trump look foolish in the end.

The Democrats were sure that they were going to win but all hell broke loose after they got beaten. Obama fiddle with Israeli election. The world rulers through US government effect many changes of leaders in other countries and how dare they challenge Putin of meddling with US election? Hypocrite that is all I can say. Shut up you poor losers! You disdained those who dare elect Trump. So it's about an agenda. You don't care about those who stand for Constitution. You losers cry foul when your Constitution is violated.

Anonymous said...

8:57 am

The loser may have been YOU.
You should educate yourself on Putin and his agendas.
For one thing, Putin was the one who created fake news.
And they worked well in US election.

After his success in meddling in the US Presidential election,
Putin is doing the same thing to France, and a few other European
countries. His strategy is to weaken the US and NATO.

FYI, after the Russia Gate is said and done, McDonald Trump will
end up like disgraced Nixon.