Sunday 26 March 2017

Readers' reflections...

General Lon Nol, former prime minister of Cambodia, who incurred the principal debt of $276m, attends a national solidarity rally in Cambodia on April 16, 1970 [Ian Brodie/Getty Images]
General Lon Nol, former prime minister of Cambodia, who incurred the principal debt of $276m, attends a national solidarity rally in Cambodia on April 16, 1970 [Ian Brodie/Getty Images]General Lon Nol, former prime minister of Cambodia, who incurred the principal debt of $276m, attends a national solidarity rally in Cambodia on April 16, 1970 [Ian Brodie/Getty Images]

Reference: Cambodia rejects paying 'dirty debt' to the US

“If Cambodia and Cambodian people have a new leader like Mr. Sam Rainsy and Mr. Kem Sokha, then the debt of Cambodia to the U.S. will be forgiven. Hun Sen and CPP are made in Vietnam, the Communist country. Hun Sen is a Vietnamese puppet and also illegally installed as a Prime Minister by his Vietnamese masters in Hanoi so that Vietnamese thieves and killers in Hanoi would take advantages of Hun Sen's control by stealing and robbing the natural resources from Cambodia. Also, Vietnamese master-minded killers and advisors tell/told Hun Sen what to do against his own Khmer/Cambodian people. Hun Sen and his family enjoy the wealth, power and military provided by his Vietnamese bosses or masters in Hanoi. Hun Sen only barks loudly and fiercely against Khmer/Cambodian people and pleases his Vietnamese bosses in Hanoi. Hun Sen did not have power, but his installed powers were made in Vietnam. That is it..”


“Seeing this picture made me sad because it reminisced the time Khmer people bravely fought the evil Yuon. Unfortunately, we lost the fight to the Yuon because there were Khmer traitors such as Sihanouk who helped the evil Yuon to defeat Khmers. Presently, we have a similar situation. Khmer people are fighting the Yuon invaders who used Khmer hands such as Hun Sen to suppress Khmers. When will these Khmer traitors wake up?”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If only do we know now what we did not know back then?