Monday 6 March 2017

Senator Thak Lany resigns from SRP

Opposition senator Thak Lany resigned last month due to personal reasons. Facebook
Opposition senator Thak Lany resigned last month due to personal reasons. Facebook

Self-exiled opposition senator Thak Lany last month resigned from her position as a member of the standing committee and board of directors of the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP), the same day three other opposition lawmakers left their party roles, a letter made public on Friday revealed.
The letter – submitted to SRP acting president Teav Vannol – became public a few weeks after the February 23 resignations of her three fellow lawmakers, which came on the heels of controversial amendments to the Law on Political Parties being approved by the National Assembly. Lany resigned the same day, citing “personal reasons”.
Neither Lany nor Vannol could be reached yesterday.
The revamped law, which is expected to be approved by Senate President Say Chhum soon, stipulates that the Supreme Court can dissolve parties if people in leadership positions have been convicted for criminal offenses.

CNRP leader Sam Rainsy cited the amendments’ passage in resigning his position and party membership on February 11.
In the past year, each of the lawmakers who resigned had been sentenced in relation to criminal cases widely believed politically motivated.
While opposition lawmakers Hong Sok Hour, Um Sam An and Meach Sovannara were jailed, Lany fled to Sweden after Prime Minister Hun Sen sued her in July for allegedly accusing him of being behind the murder of political analyst Kem Ley.
She was sentenced in absentia to 18 months on November 17 on incitement and defamation charges.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah former Chor Luoch Morn Hun Sen,

You have advocated Kem Sokha to hit Sam Rainsy. This is a 5 years old talk.

How old are you? This kind of idea and language belonged to gangsters who have consumed heavily drugs.

Khmer people are so shameful to have such a stupid crazy leader like you.

In 2018, your tanks will fail to stop the nationwide peaceful demonstrators who demanded the loser Hun Sen to transfer the power to the winner.

Weather you like it or not, your time is up.

This has been a painful 38 years that Khmer people have endured from the loss of Koh Tral, the 99 years massive land concession to Yuon, the catastrophic destruction of Khmer natural resource, to the millions illegal Vietnamese who will strangle Cambodia in the future like they did to Kampuchea Krom and Champa,....

This murderer Hun Sen has never afraid to kill Khmer people(for example the execution of the K5 project), and to cede Khmer land to please his master Yuon.