The scene of an accident where three people were hit and killed along Monivong Boulevard last week in Phnom Penh. The driver of the car was sent to Prey Sar prison on Saturday. National Police
3 Apr, 2017 Khouth Sophak Chakrya
The driver who was brutally beaten by a mob after three people died and eight were injured when his car hit them on Monivong Boulevard has been detained in jail after coming out of a coma.
Phnom Penh traffic police chief Tin Vansy told The Post yesterday that E Thavarak, Phnom Penh Municipal Court investigating judge, issued the arrest warrant on April 1 ordering suspect Meas Sokheng, 30, to be detained at Prey Sar prison, charged with “careless driving” causing death and injury.
“The [suspect] was sent to Prey Sar prison for detention on Saturday evening,” Vansy confirmed.
Sokheng was mobbed and beaten unconscious by a crowd last week after his Toyota Camry hit several motorbikes as it sped the wrong way up the street in what witnesses said was an attempt to flee from a minor collision with another car. He was sent to the Khmer-Soviet Friendship Hospital, where he had been comatose for a few days.
Vansy said it was uncertain if the authorities would investigate the mob attack: “Our task is to investigate the traffic accident only, but for the mobbing that happened to the suspect, it is the obligation of justice police or local authorities.”
Phnom Penh municipal deputy police chief Song Ly and Chamkarmon district police chief Yin San could not be reached for comment yesterday.
To All Khmer Yeurng (All Cambodian people):
Please be prepared and be alert for accidents and worst situations that may happen in Khmer Near Year 2017 (April 13-17) just like the Khmer New Year back in April 1975. It is close to the election in June 2017 and it is clear that CNRP is going to win the election in 2017 and 2018 because the majority of Khmer people in the entire Cambodia country have been aware of the country of Cambodia which is at risk or jeorpady in the future, and because of the illegal Vietnamese immigrants under Ah Yong Yuon Hun Sen's legs and Hanoi's master-minded thieves and killers' new dirty and deadly plan. Don't let the second Killing Fields happen again in the modern day. Vietnamese/Yuon agents from Hanoi are already inside Hun Sen's CPP regime nowaday or today. They (Yuon/Vietnamese agents from Hanoi and Yuon/Vietnamese master-minded killers from Hanoi (Hun Sen's Yuon/Vietnamese bosses and advisors) are going to execute new plans to destroy Khmer people again because of strong and smart CNRP supporters and leaders along all Khmer people inside and outside Cambodia. So, all Khmer/Cambodian people should be fooled and believe everything Hun Sen and CPP officials say or have said. There is a danger coming from Yuon/Vietnamese agents and illegal Yuon/Vietnamese immigrants in Cambodia and those evil Yuon/Vietnameses have been secretly preparing when they (Yuon/Vietnamese immigrants) have been taught by their older parents, leaders (from Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi) to bad deed against Khmer people when it comes to "Khmer against Khmer" stragety. For example, Hun Sen and his dumb and corrupted CPP officials are told to fight against CNRP leaders (Mr. Sam Rainsy, Mr. Kem Sokha, Mr. Yim Sovan, Mr. Eng Chai Eang, Ms. Mu Sohua, Mr. Yem Ponharith, and so on). Please let the UN or International Community know as soon as possible about the secret attacks from hidden Yuon/Vietnamese agents among CPP officials and soldiers who pretend to be Khmer or Cambodia and they (secret Yuon/Vietnamese agents from Hanoi and hiding inside Hun Sen's CPP government) are trying their best and stragety to fool the UN and International Community (such as the U.S., Japan, European Unions, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, S. Korea, etc) that Khmer people and leaders always fight their own kinds again. Vietnamese/Yuon spies are every where and try so hard to do their secret and deadly work to kill Khmer people inside Cambodia just like the Killing Fields (1975-1979) that ended up 3 millions of innocent Khmer/Cambodian people and children. All these dirty and deadly are from evil Yuon/Vietnamese spies or secret agents (who pretend and pretended to be Cambodian/Khmer people).
Let's remind all Khmer people and soldiers of Cambodia today that tt used to happen to the past New Year 1975 (April 13-17) when all Khmer people and soldiers had some days off from works and duties in order to enjoy the Khmer New Year Celebration in April 1975 and then they left themselves unprepared to prevent themselves from the enemy's attacks. Unfortunately, it was too late that Cambodia was under the control of the secret Yuon/Vietnamese agents and spies who hid among Khmer Rouges uniforms (black).
During Khmer New Year back in April 1975, Khmer people and Lon Nol's soldiers forgot about the secret Yuon/Vietnamese agents hiding everywhere in Cambodia who took the opportunity to attack those Khmer people and Lon Nol's soldiers who were busy to have fun or good time in Khmer New Year in April 1975. Well, beside the Khmer New Year in 1975, those Khmer people and soldiers were so blind and always had fun and did not stay alert of many secret Yuon/Vietnamese agents and spies doing the dirty and deadly games to destroy the prosperity of Cambodia. Those evil Yuon/Vietnamese agents were from Ho Chi Minh trail after Sihanouk allowed Ho Chi Minh to use Khmer territory during American war against the Communist Vietcong.
All Cambodian/Khmer people today should learn the lesson from what happend back in April 1975 and those (Khmer people and Lon Nol's soldiers) forgot that the secret Yuon/Vietnamese agents among Khmer Rouges who hid everywhere in Cambodia and among Cambodia population and Lon Nol's sodiers. That's why, all Khmer/Cambodian people today should not be fooled that Khmer is always killing their own kinds just because of the setup of deadly Vietnamese/Yuon agents inside CPP regime controlled and led by Ah Yong Yuon Hun Sen and don't be fooled with the good and sweet words from the corrupted CPP officials and commanders. All Cambodian/Khmer again must be prepared, stay alert, and proteck themselves from deadly attacks coming from the Yuon/Vietnamese secret agents hiding inside Hun Sen's CPP government and corrupted CPP officials.
All Khmer people from CNRP, CPP and other small parties don't focus yourself to grap the power to lead Cambodia and Cambodian people in the future. It is up to all Khmer people who think about their own futures and future of their children and Cambodia for many years to come. Stop fighting and attacking each others for your own power to lead Cambodia. Just learn a good example from CNRP leaders and supporters who did not let the wars, violences and hates among Khmer/Cambodian people and leaders. Mr. Rainsy and Mr. Sokha are very good to prepare and they both have learned that there are enemies other than Khmer/Cambodian citizens or people in CPP and other groups who try to destroy the unity of Cambodian/Khmer peopole. Khmer or Cambodian people should stay strong and united without breaking apart.
Back in in 1960s and 1970s, the Khmer people and Lon Nol soldiers and other Sihanoukist soldiers were always having fun and good time, party, party and party until they forgot abotu what happened. They were unfortunate and unprepared to fight back against the secret Yuon/Vietnamese agents (who dressed up like Khmer Rouges soldiers and who could speak, write and read Khmer language so well) and they were fooled that those Khmer Rouges soldiers were not Khmer, but they are secrete Yuon/Vietnamese agetns. Oh, poor Khmer people and Lon Nol's poor soldiers who were stuck in the Killing Fields (1975-1979). Don't just blame Pol Pot (former name Sarlot Sar - his real name). Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouges soldiers were set up as the scapegoat as the killers. Pot Pot, Khiev Sophan, Ieng Sary, and Noun Chear were blind, fooled and stupid to lead the country of Cambodia without knowing the secret Yuon/Vietnaemse secret agents hiding among their Khmer Rouges's regime. As we know, that Khmer Rouges soldiers are so young (i.e. Khmer kids and some adults).
Again, this is alert for Khmer people from CPP, CNRP and other small parties who are ready for the election in June 2017. We know that Yuon/Vietnamese agents and illegal Vietnamese/Yuon immigrants in Cambodia under Hun Sen's legs are/were taught by their Vietnamese/Yuon master-minded leaders/killers from Hanoi and secret Yuon/Vietnamse agents or spied in Hun Sen's CPP gervernment and among corrupted CPP officials that they will attack against Cambodian/Khmer people when it comes to "Khmer killing Khmer" stragety. For examples, Hun Sen's secret Yuon/Vietnamese agents (bodyguards) and corrupted CPP officials (who are blind and dumb) who want to stay in power under Yuon/Vietnaemse secret and deadly plans are trying so hard to destry CNRP's leaders and supporters. That means Khmer from CPP attack Khmer from CNRP. So, Khmer people should be award of the deadly and dirty Yuon/Vietnamese plans (usind Hun Sen and corrupted CPP officials and commanders) as the Vietnamese/Yuon tools. The Vietnamese/Yuon agents hiding inside CPP's goverment (Khmer police, Khmer soliders, Khmer buddhist monks, and Khmer people) are trying to post the war, violence and attack among Khmer people themselves.
Aagain and again, after American left Vietnam, please just remember that those Khmer people and Lon Nol soldiers in 1975 lost the battles and accepted the defeat, and they (Khmer pople and Lon Nol's soldiers) got stuck in the hands of evil hidden Yuon/Vietnamese agents hiding in Khmer Rouges uniforms (black cloths) and young gangs are Khmer kids (who were stolen from Cambodian and put in the Vietnam's camp and they were brainwashed.
Please people inside and outside Cambodia report to the UN or the International Community the Vietnamese/Yuon spies are everywhere at every corner that they try to hurt Cambodian pople when it comes to close election in June 2017 and in the year of 2018. We know that Khmer people in entire Cambodia country are so sick and tired of CPP leaders who are corrupted, committed crimes against humanity and cause all sorts of the problmes in today's Cambodian politics. Vietnamese/Yuon spies or secret agents from Hanoi who hide among Hun Sen's CPP government and corrupted officials try to meddle Cambodia's affaires. Hun Sen is not Cambodian Prime Minister, but Hun Sen is a Vietnamese puppet and an illegally Vietnamese-installed Prime Minister that served and benefited the Vietnamese/Yuon master-minded killers (leaders) in Hanoi and Vietnamese communist miltiary commanders.
Again, Hun Sen is not a leader of Cambodia and Cambodian people to these days. Hun Sen has stayed in power for over 30 years plus because of his Vietnamese/Yuon's military protection, Vietnamese-installed pwoer and Cambodia's stolen wealth and natural resources. Cambodia's natural resources and forests have been destroyed by Hun Sen's Vietnamese master-minded leaders's deadly plans and they (Hun Sen and his Veitnaemese masters) continue to destroy Cambodia until Cambodia has nothing. Vietnamese/Yuon leaders and secret agents are the thieves today. They are wealthy because of stolen Cambodia's natural resources and forestry logging (shipping to Vietnam for over 30 years plus under the control of Hun Sen (the Vietnamese puppet).
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