Saturday, 3 June 2017

សម្ដី​របស់​លោក​បណ្ឌិត កែម ឡី ពី​រឿង​ព្រំដែន​ នយោបាយ​និង​សង្គម

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Khmer people should understand clearly Khmer history

Presently, Hun Sen kept insisting that there will be war should his C Porng Party CPP lose the election and change the leader or regime.

Hun Sen cited that there was war when Khmer people changed from Sihanouk to Lon Nol in 1970.

Yes, there was war immediately after Sihanoulk's fall because the evil Yuon Vietcong and North Vietnam attacked Cambodia.

Ah Kwack Hun Sen should tell the real cause of the war to Khmer people: Vietnam started the war against Lon Nol in 1970 in Cambodia.

Now, in 2017, history is going to repeat. That same evil Yuon Vietnam will start the war again in Cambodia if Khmer people opted to change its slave Hun Sen. So many secret Vietnamese secret agents have been hiding and integrating in the Cambodian Armed Force, Police, Military police, in the interior Ministry, etc...

Again, some Khmer people and the international community could not see who really is behind the war.

The evil Yuon Vietnam is great at hiding its criminal hands against Khmer people.

Khmer people must be ready to find a way to reveal this true story to the international community so that they could take proper measure to stop this merchant of the war Vietnam.

Bun Thoeun