Tuesday 20 June 2017

Government approves 56 additional generals

Manekseka Sangkum: Is the Cambodian army readying itself for WW4?

Military brass arrive at the army’s 63rd anniversary celebrations last year. The military, which analysts say is already top-heavy, recently approved yet another round of promotions to the rank of general.
Military brass arrive at the army’s 63rd anniversary celebrations last year. The military, which analysts say is already top-heavy, recently approved yet another round of promotions to the rank of general. Heng Chivoan

The government has approved a new round of mass military promotions, elevating 40 officers to the rank of brigadier general and 16 people to major general status.
Published in the government’s June Royal Book, the 56 promotions add to the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces’ already bloated upper echelons, with one national security analyst estimating the military has in excess of 3,000 generals.
In April, the government promoted 42 officers to brigadier general and nine to major general status, before promoting 13 more officials to various general ranks in a later batch.
Defence Ministry spokesman Chhum Socheat said the promotions were based on merit and capacity and followed requests by RCAF commanders.

“Generally, promotion for higher rank and awarding medals is based on achievement and their qualifications. That is why they have been promoted, and we never give to people who do not deserve . . . they have a history of good work,” Socheat said, adding that a specific committee evaluates promotions.
Socheat also insisted there is no corruption or nepotism in the process.
Political analyst Meas Ny, though, said the promotions are a way for the government to shore up support from the armed forces.
“We have seen huge promotions in the armed forces because the government wants to show favour to them through promotions so they will protect the government.”


Anonymous said...

Ah Mer Torp Kandor Krun Tea TEr Banh.

Anonymous said...

Knowing he will lose the 2018 election, Traitor & Yuon's puppet Hun Sen, in preparation
to stay in power is beefing up his top mercenaries !!!

On the other hand, a number of Khmer Generals " whispered " to Mr. Sam Rainsy, et al
if the CNRP wins, they will NOT oppose nor will they take order from anybody, except the
government of the CNRP.

Anonymous said...

Knowing he will lose the 2018 election, Traitor & Yuon's puppet Hun Sen, in preparation
to stay in power is beefing up his top mercenaries !!!

On the other hand, a number of Khmer Generals " whispered " to Mr. Sam Rainsy, et al
if the CNRP wins, they will NOT oppose nor will they take order from anybody, except the
government of the CNRP.

Anonymous said...

Why Khmer society has so many jerks who want to become generals similar to the Thai society? Why are Khmer and Thai societies are so similar? Thai society is a very bad one.

Anonymous said...

5:58 am

Some of these Generals were Yuon military cadres, through bribery or
otherwise got Khmer citizenship.