Thursday 22 June 2017

Opposition leader Kem Sokha talks politics, power and Hun Sen

School of Vice:

Sounds like the Post is trying so hard to drive a wedge between the two leaders of the CNRP! 

Certainly, it has made much of Sokha's previous off-guard comment about him 'preferring' Rainsy to be in the country with him. Of course, why wouldn't anyone as embattled and harassed as Sokha [as are their supporters/activists] want his co-leader and the party's most potent icon to lead the line of battle with him? However, as anyone with even the slightest familiarity with Cambodia's murderous political culture or with any degree of pragmatism will concur, it makes sense not to place all your eggs in one basket? 

Personal heroic sacrifice and or risks taken do not necessarily set or promise the same expected outcomes or results desired. Thus, the success rate or material relevance of the self-sacrificial deed of the individual in question must be evaluated in the precise personal context of that specific person. For instance, Kem Ley's cold-blooded assassination may serve as the catalyst for sea-change - or it may not. But, the loss of an able and charismatic general [despite his any alleged human flaws] in the heat of the battle could instantly spread panic, confusion and despair among the ranks of the foot soldiers and their commanders. This is the classic scenario one finds in the sniper's target and strategy; one recent example of which was the killing of a prominent leader of Thailand's mass street protests a few years ago.

Apart from the assassination attempt on his life that saw several civilians cut to pieces in that multiple grenade attack of March 30 1997, Rainsy's continued physical exclusion and exile from his party and followers in his homeland can also be viewed as falling within this same scenario of making him irrelevant in the opposition's mass appeal stake by killing him off politically. At least, that would seem to be the intention...


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Kem Sokha,

I agree with what you have stated. I admire you!

Thank you for sharing your visions, encouragement, leadership and your nature of being a leader. You are still tied with Mr. Sam Rainsy no matter what the ruling party (Cambodian People Party - CPP) and Hun Sen threaten you both and CNRP supporters and members.

Khmer Yeurng

Anonymous said...

Correction for 7:33 pm

Dear Mr. Kem Sokha,

I agree with what you have stated. I admire you!

Thank you for sharing your visions, encouragement, determination, leadership and your nature of being a leader. I am happy that you are still strongly tied with Mr. Sam Rainsy no matter what the ruling party (Cambodian People Party - CPP) and Hun Sen threaten you both and CNRP supporters and members by dividing two of you.

Khmer Yeurng

Anonymous said...

I heard Ms. Theary Seng's member posted the negative comment on Mr. Kem Sokha. Ms. Seng and her democrat group members should not jump the conclusion on Mr. Kem Sokha because of his daughter. Mr. Kem Sokha's daughter did not get along with Thy Sovantha for some reason. Both ladies should have done the discussion face to face in the first place or day one that they both should solve the problem. No more jealousy and personal attack on each others. This is not a good sign for all Khmer people of all ages and in all walk of life. Don't let CPP (which is secretly backed by the Vietnamese sides) take a chance to stir up CNRP. CNRP is a hope for all Cambodian/Khmer people inside and outside Cambodia.

Ms. Theary Seng and her supporters should drop the negative comments and understand what Mr. Kem Sokha has been doing for the sake of Cambodia and Cambodian people during the absence of Mr. Sam Rainsy. Mr. Sam Rainsy has been threatened by Hun Sen and his uneducated CPP supporters (who are Hun Sen's bodyguards and Vietnamese friends of Hun Sen).

We need to learn to be patient and don't fall into CPP's traps backed by Hun Sen's Vietnamese friends.

Anonymous said...

For the sake of Cambodia, the CNRP's leaders should present themselves as a role model for Khmer people to follow:

- No more nepotism: Kem Monovithia must be removed from her current position. She has caused so much friction with other CNRP's members.

- If the allegations about Kem Sokha's adulteries were true, he must stop doing that. Khmer people's tolerance with cheap behavior have limit.

To strengthen the CNRP to win this next election, the CNRP must avoid making any unnecessary mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Please watch this video:

Anonymous said...

I have watched almost all of Khem Veasna's speeches.

I can conclude that at last this mad dog Khem Veasna is a Hun Sen and Yuon's tool used to break Khmer apart, especially to weaken the CNRP in order to keep the CPP to stay in power.

Khem Vesana has vehemently declared that he does not need people's votes. That's true because Khmem Veasna's main mission is to break the CNRP.

But his efforts have failed miserably, which prompted Hun Sen and Yuon to think over about Khem Veasna's future role in this upcoming election. IT seemed like Khem Veasna's attacks on the CNRP has hurt the CPP more than help the CPP.

Hun Sen and Yuon might dump this asshole Khem Veasna soon.

97 Years Old Woman.

Anonymous said...

It's true. Ms. ThearySeng has been blasting KemSokha at her blog Truth2power.

Anonymous said...

7:57 pm

We agree.
Thank you