Friday 3 August 2018


Op-Ed by Bun Thoeun

This one eye monster Hun Sen was produced by the evil Vietnam to execute its plan to swallow Cambodia.

Now, since the Yuon's slave party CPP totally controls the National Assembly and the Senate, all kind of new laws will be created to accommodate Vietnam's ambition.

To save Cambodia, Khmer people must step up their courage and ready to make their ultimate sacrifice for Cambodia.

At this present time, Khmer people should pick up one absolute right cause to fight for.

For example, the CPP has unconstitutionally dissolved the CNRP. 

To initiate our crusade to save our motherland, we pick up this important issue to fight back against the Yuon's slave party CPP.

We start the peaceful demonstration demanding for the REINSTATEMENT of the CNRP- fighting for the principal of the democracy. We simply exert our constitutional right. This demonstration will be naturally supported by Khmer people and the international community.

If Hun Sen opted to violently suppress such peaceful demonstration and caused so much fatalities, then the international community will have a valid reason to intervene to help Cambodia one more time. We must help ourselves first. The international community will never come down to Cambodia to make the demonstration for Khmer people.

In addition, we cannot win when we allow the CPP to make all kind of offenses at will such as creating the party law, imprisoning its opponents, dissolving its opponent party, stealing the election, etc...

We need to launch an effective counterattack if we want to have a chance to win.

Therefore, fighting for the reinstatement of the CNRP is a good point to start. The outcome of our struggle will be unpredictably huge. At this moment, we have so much supports from the international community, but we have to help ourselves too.
Inaction produces nothing. 

Bun Thoeun

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ខ្ញុំថាខ្មែរមិនអាចធ្វើអ្វីអានទេ ហើយបើសង្ឃឹម ពីភពលោកឲ្យគេជួយ មើលទៅហាក់ដូចជាពិបាកជាង គេឡើងភ្នុំ ព្រះសុមែ ទៅទៀត មើលទៅគេបើកដៃវា ឲ្យកាន់អំណាចរហូតហើយ ព្រោះរឿងធំ គឺចិន នឹង យួន ជាពិសែសគឺចិនគេចង់ត្រួតត្រានៅដំបន់អាស៊ីតែទាំងអស់ ព្រោះគេចង់ធ្វើខ្លួនគេឲ្យទៅជាមហាអំណាយ នៅពេលខ្លីខាងមុខ ហេតុនេះ សង្គ្រោះជាតិ បានត្រឹមតែសុបិនទេ បើមិនពិតតើអ្នកអាចធ្វើអ្វីកើតទៅ? បើឮថារួមគ្នាៗ តែឮតែថា ហើយអ្នកដេលចុលរួម បានត្រូគេសម្លាប់ ជាប់គុក ស្ងាត់ឈឹង​​ តើប៉ុន្មានអ្នកទៀតសុខចិត្តស្លាប់នឹងជាប់គុករបៀបនេះ។ ដូចចម្រៀង ថាយួនយកដីខ្មែរ តែលទ្ធផវាដូចម្តេចដែរ ? ខ្ញុំអស់សង្ឃឹមពិត តែខ្ញុំនៅតែសុំជួនពរ ឲ្យបង្អូនដែលតស៊ូបានជ័យជុំនះ ណា។