How fast is Earth traveling through space? That depends. | Michelle Thaller
NB: Surely this is all wrong? According to Xamdaach, the Universe revolves around him, and him only?
Get paid Big to spew out mathemathical formulas of suppose....NASA is a BIG LIE Corporation to make money by making up science fictions theories of the Universe. Most of what she said is Junk science. Big Bang + Big Lie....We are not floating in space spinning thousand miles per hour around the Sun. Universe is NOT expanding! We live in an enclosed earth model. Ancient people knew this. I spit out the hook, line and sinker once I realize everything about NASA is to deceive the masses and to profit Big using mathematical calculation base of predicated guesses and assumption. I'm telling ya, NASA is run by Hitler top notch scientists that were guilty of crimes brought over to America through Operation Paper Clip by US government. You are being con and conspired against to believe their Big Lie. Bible stated that Sun goes around the Earth, not Earth going around the Sun. They twisted the Truth into a LIE! Many Christians are deceived in believing their cosmology model contrary to what the Bible plainly stated.
Man never went to the Moon, nor any space crafts been to Mars, all a Big Lie! All make beliefs in the name of PhD's. Space exploration is Money Scam. Most what you see of galaxies pictures are probably CGI or Artist depiction of what suppose....Picture of earth is CGI, because man never went to the Moon! Beside, Sun, Moon and Stars are ALL in the Enclosed Earth. All you see in the heavens are all there are. There is ONLY one Earth, no more.
Get paid Big to spew out mathemathical formulas of suppose....NASA is a BIG LIE Corporation to make money by making up science fictions theories of the Universe. Most of what she said is Junk science. Big Bang + Big Lie....We are not floating in space spinning thousand miles per hour around the Sun. Universe is NOT expanding! We live in an enclosed earth model. Ancient people knew this. I spit out the hook, line and sinker once I realize everything about NASA is to deceive the masses and to profit Big using mathematical calculation base of predicated guesses and assumption. I'm telling ya, NASA is run by Hitler top notch scientists that were guilty of crimes brought over to America through Operation Paper Clip by US government. You are being con and conspired against to believe their Big Lie. Bible stated that Sun goes around the Earth, not Earth going around the Sun. They twisted the Truth into a LIE! Many Christians are deceived in believing their cosmology model contrary to what the Bible plainly stated.
Man never went to the Moon, nor any space crafts been to Mars, all a Big Lie! All make beliefs in the name of PhD's. Space exploration is Money Scam. Most what you see of galaxies pictures are probably CGI or Artist depiction of what suppose....Picture of earth is CGI, because man never went to the Moon! Beside, Sun, Moon and Stars are ALL in the Enclosed Earth. All you see in the heavens are all there are. There is ONLY one Earth, no more.
Big Think? NO NO NO NO Big Lie!
And Cambodia's genocide never happened. Same for the Nazi's genocide of the Jews.
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