Sunday 26 January 2020

Reader on why the West doesn't understand Hun Sen's democracy

Image result for hun sen in eu meeting brussels

10 Rules of Xamdaach Prime Minister!

Khmer Circle reader's comment:

The West doesn't understand Hun Sen and it has been fooled by Hun Sen time and time again.

Hun Sen's version of democracy is very different than democracies in other countries. So when Hun Sen says that Cambodia is fully democratic, he's not entirely wrong. It's because he's referred to his version of democracy which means that there should not be any real opposition party, that's Rule number 1

Rule number 2 is the people can say whatever they want as long as they don't say anything bad about the government or Hun Sen's family. 

Rule #3 is there are two set of rules: one for ordinary Cambodians and the other is for the elites. Ordinary [Cambodians] must follow the rules of laws while the elites can abuse the rules of laws as much as they want.

Rule #4: Hun Sen doesn't believe in international standard. The only standard he believes in is the one set up by him.

Rule #5: Anyone who Hun Sen believes is a threat to his regime will be found guilty automatically until proven innocent which is impossible since the court is under Hun Sen's total control.

Rule #6: Hun Sen's court is not a place to provide justice. It's a place for him to use to put his perceived enemies in jail.

Rule #7: The king is not for Cambodians or Cambodia. He's allowed to exist simply because Hun Sen needs him to do all his dirty works and to legitimize his government.

Rule #8: Election will take place every 5 years but only the CCP is allowed to win. Otherwise, there will be war.

Rule #9: Cambodia doesn't belong to Cambodians. It belongs to Hun Sen only and he can do whatever he wants with it including giving a piece to Vietnam for free.

Rule #10:
Despite lowly educated and behaves like a gangster, he must be referred to as Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen. 



Anonymous said...

Rule #4: Hun Sen doesn't believe in international standard. The only standard he believes in is the one set up by him.

Rule #5: Anyone who Hun Sen believes is a threat to his regime will be found guilty automatically until proven innocent which is impossible since the court is under Hun Sen's total control.

Rule #6: Hun Sen's court is not a place to provide justice. It's a place for him to use to put his perceived enemies in jail.

Rule #7: The king is not for Cambodians or Cambodia. He's allowed to exist simply because Hun Sen needs him to do all his dirty works and to legitimize his government.

Rule #8: Election will take place every 5 years but only the CCP is allowed to win. Otherwise, there will be war.

Rule #9: Cambodia doesn't belong to Cambodians. It belongs to Hun Sen only and he can do whatever he wants with it including giving a piece to Vietnam for free.

Rule #10: Despite lowly educated and behaves as a ganster, he must be referred as Lord Prime Minister, Supreme Military Commander Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

Correction on rule #10.

Despite lowly educated and behaves like a gangster, he must be referred to as Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

The quickest and easier way to destroy your political opponent is to charge him with treason. No evidence is needed as Hun Sen's already said you're guilty.

The media in Cambodia is freed to report whatever they want as long as they say good things about Hun Sen and his government.

True news is fake news. News from Fresh News is always true.

Corruption in Cambodia doesn't exist, the West simply doesn't understand Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Chbab Kdor Ah Yuon's slave Hun Sen !!

Ah Norouk Khmer traitor Hun Sen deserves a 10 times death penalty for his crimes against Khmer people and Cambodia.

I just wonder how many Khmer people did Ah Roleuy Hun Sen kill before 1979 in order to impress his master Yuon before his master Yuon put him in power to replace Penn Sovann ?