Saturday 6 June 2020

Visiting awesome temples of Cambodia in 1968

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's some belief in Biblical worldview of a war that took place in heaven Pre-Adamic Age, Meaning before Adam was created. We read the account recorded in the Bible that Satan rose up against the Most High God who created everything. According to the Scriptures 1/3 of the angels in heaven took side with Satan, rebelled against the Most High (Lord of all spirits). The depictions of the carvings kind of resemble this account. Angels are also call the sons of God. Though they are created beings. So my take on the first Khmer king could be an angel who make himself to be god yet will die like men. In their holy estate they don;t die. The Most High God refer to them as gods, because they are the sons of God.

We see these figures of the monkey gods or birdman and many other hybredizations of animal/men figures. Since angels are spirit beings this could be one way they chose to manifest themselves in one of these form. Or these animal/men figures are the angel's work of crossing species to create something out of the order of God. The great temples of Ankgor Wat and many other grand structures in this world are the wisdom of the angels that have sinned. They created these magnificient buildings to make themselves to be gods so people will worship them as being gods. Also when the Most High God divided the descendants of the sons of Noah into 70 nations, he assigned 70 gods to rule over them. These sons of God supposed to rule as the Most High Rules according to his laws and precepts, instead they make themselves to be the Most High Gods instead of the small g gods. And what happen to them? These gods died like men do because they took on form of man (flesh & blood). Evil spirits are once a holy angel. Demons are departed spirits of the giants that are the product of angels having babies with daughters of men and they produced giants. If you want to know the truth of these thing read the First book of Enoch. Enoch was the seven from Adam and he probably lived among giants in his days before the Flood. There were giants before the Flood and after the Flood. And now you almost know the rest of the story Siem Reap Angkor Wat .... of birdman, monkey god, mermaid, dogman and bigfoot.... etc