Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Sar Kheng: Laos Allowing Drugs to Enter Cambodia

Khmer Circle: And who's allowing the illegal timber trade across the Cambodia-Vietnam border?
19 August 2020

    Aun Chhengpor
    VOA Khmer

FILE - Minister of Interior Ministry Sar Kheng addresses governors and police officials during an immigration report workshop in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on Friday, August 19, 2016. ( Leng Len/VOA Khmer)


In candid remarks, Interior Minister Sar Kheng on Saturday revealed that a huge influx of drugs was being smuggled from Laos into Cambodia as a result of loose border controls by Laos authorities.

Sar Kheng was speaking at a ruling party event in Kratie province on Saturday when he spoke about the province’s geographic proximity to Stung Treng province, near the Laos border – known as an infamous international drug trafficking route.

“When I held an annual meeting with them, I raised the number of drugs we confiscated which was carried from Laos,” he said, not providing details of this meeting with the northern neighbor. “They were surprised and appeared to express displeasure.”

In early March, Sar Kheng, who is also a deputy prime minister, visited Vientiane where he met his counterpart, Public Security Minister Vilay Lakhamfong.

“They, in turn, responded that it was because they confiscated so much [drugs] in Laos that there was this limited quantity of drugs being smuggled into Cambodia which, they said, should be regarded as fortunate by Cambodia,” Sar Kheng said.

“In fact, we have received information that [Laos authorities] would take actions if those drugs would be to distributes domestically [in Laos]. But if those drugs were heading towards Cambodia, they would just let it go.”

Sar Kheng’s comments on drugs crossing the border with Laos comes after he said drug usage and trade had been “spreading faster than the coronavirus diseases” in communities and rural areas across the country.

Meas Vyrith, secretary-general of the National Authority for Combating Drugs, declined to comment on Sar Kheng’s remarks, but acknowledged that the promises made about curbing the cross-border drug transport were in contrast to reality.

“If you look at the real practice, we notice more crackdowns and confiscations on the Cambodian sides and not so much on the Laos side, and we need further studies and verifications on the reasons why,” Meas Vyrith told VOA Khmer by phone.

Multiple calls to Laos embassy in Phnom Penh and Foreign Affairs Ministry in Vientiane went unanswered.

Laos has been a busy route for the “really accelerated” trafficking of synthetic drugs to northeast Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia, said Jeremy Douglas, regional representative of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) for Southeast Asia and the Pacific.

“The drug trafficking and use problem in Cambodia is not good – it's pretty bad. But more than the immediate situation, we are concerned it will get worse as organized crime groups appear to be looking to diversify and move some production and operations outside the Golden Triangle itself, and as trafficking continues to intensify to and through, possibly even from, Laos and Cambodia.”

Jeremy Douglas added that corruption was an enabling factor for the spike.

“We have no specific proof of collusion or pay-offs, but it is undeniable that corruption is very important for organized crime – they use it to advance their interests as they need to,” he said.

NACD secretary-general General Meas Vyrith admitted that there were cases in the past where some Cambodian police and military officers were involved in the drug trade, but said the government would deal with these officials with “zero tolerance” for “betraying their profession.”

Cambodia is in its fourth year of the so-called “war on drugs” launched in 2017, which has decried by human rights groups over corruption in law enforcement, the arrest of users, and overcrowding in the nation’s prisons.

According to NACD, as of August 17, authorities had confiscated around 682 kilograms of drugs, resulting in 13,460 arrests.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can Khmer people put their national interest above their lives or their well being ?

It is so clear that the stupid habit of "Som Teh Sok" of Khmer people is not working and destructive to their lives and their livelihoods. Millions of young Khmer workers have emigrated under financial hardship to other countries to get work.

We knew that Yuon wanted to swallow Cambodia a long time ago. Yuon had manipulated the situation in Cambodia and killed millions of Khmer people through its Khmer Rouge "students".

Now, Yuon put an asshole ruthless Hun Sen to control Khmer people. Yuon took Khmer land, this worst Khmer traitor Hun Sen threatens Khmer people not to say anything to avoid conflict with the evil Yuon.

Are we continue to let this animal Hun Sen whose ethnicity might be Yuon to suppress us at will ?

How many Khmer people did this animal Hun Sen kill during his reign in power ? Just the execution of the K5 project alone resulting of hundreds of thousands of Young Khmer men dead made this animal Hun Sen the worst Khmer traitor in history.

Khmer people need to wake up and ready to sacrifice their life for Cambodia's survival.

How about starting by making a peaceful protest demanding the release of Rong Chhun ? And if Ah Chor Phnek Muoy Hun Sen violently suppresses us, more people must participate and ready to make their ultimate sacrifice for Cambodia. We must not back down if we want to see a fruitful outcome.

Nothing is free in this world. The international community has no reason to help us if we don't help ourselves first. Just remember that we have lost about 3 million people under Yuon's tricks and we still under Yuon's control.

If we lose a few thousands at this time, Cambodia will survive because the members of the 1991 Paris Peace Accord will reconvene to resolve Cambodia's problems once more. WE MAKE IT HAPPEN through our sacrifice of life trying to free Rong Chhun.

Bun Thoeun