Monday, 9 May 2022

សភា​អឺរ៉ុប​​ស្នើ​​លុប​ចោល​​ប្រពន័្ធ​​អនុគ្រោះពន្ធ EBA ទាំង​ស្រុង​​ពី​​​ក...

Khmer Circle

Now is - ironically - probably the right time to lobby the EU and other world powers over human rights and democracy in Cambodia while democracies are being issued with their timely "wakeup call" courtesy of a Mr Putin...  


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Khmers need to do something. Too much time has been wasted and it has only gotten worst. Not just Cambodia, but overall in the world with wars left and right. The West has allow these dictators and juntas to multiple. They have been soft and foolish with their actions. Not supporting the opposition enough and allowing things to reach a critical point. How can Khmers look at Hun Sen and his goons, a cancer to Cambodia and its sovereignty and hope that somehow cancer will do something good or change its ways. Cancer is not good. It is death. Khmers need to unite and fight. Remove the cancer. The evil Yuon must be remove.