Saturday, 31 December 2022

ពលរដ្ឋអះអាងថាក្រុមហ៊ុន ជីបម៉ុង បានសាងសង់បុរីលើភូមិបុរាណមានអាយុកាល៣ពាន់ឆ្នាំ

Khmer Circle

People should know better than to fall for this kind of tricks and false promises by officials and tycoons. That's exactly how the once "mighty" Kampuchea has shrunk to her current size! 

The story of the supposedly formidable fort at Longvek and how it fell to simple Siamese acts of throwing silver coins into the thick bamboo growth planted to deter invaders [whether the story itself is fictitious or not], the ‘agreement’ to allow Vietnamese "settlers" into the territory of southern Cambodia [now much of South Vietnam] for only a period of five years among others, all serve as more than timely reminders and costly lessons for Khmer people. 

This is why both the KR and the present regime target the minority of educated and socially conscientious among the population. Without the guidance and social awareness of such groups and individuals, the rest of the people - the masses - will always be easy preys and vulnerable to deceptions and manipulations from their true foes - within and without.  


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The WORLD has been swallowing the BigGESt Lie --- How can there be TrutH and JusTice b Found?

This World has been abounding in SIN. SIN, when it conceived bring forth DEATH.

Buy the Truth and Sell it NOT!
The path of the Upright is to depart from HELL beneath!

The Angels that have Sinned brought destruction to man's world. Those 200 angelic beings descended upon Mt. Hermon in Lebanon from of Old. Hermon by interpretation is the Mountain of Oath. Meaning, those 200 angelic beings took an oath to do Wrong by disobeying the command of their Creator.

Those angels took the daughters of men as wives (which the Creator forbid) and because of this hybrid (spirit beings and human beings) they produced Giants in the Earth. And those Giants were powerful beings and they oppressed the normal human beings. And because those Giants were so HUGE they consumed what normal human produce for daily sustenence. And guess what....??? because man can't sustain their huge appetite they started to devour mankind as their food source. So the legend of Hinduism is true concerning this matter.

So if you believed the LIE that the God of the Bible is a Meanest God you have believed in the Doctrine of the Fallen Angels. The Doctrines of the Fallen Angels are being taught in Most of the Higher Degree of Learning.

What is the meaning of a City such as Los Angeles? The city of Fallen Angels?

When you have the understanding how these fallen angels have taught mankind to also disobey the Command of the Most High, you will have the Sure foundation that it Wasn't the Creator who was Mean. If the Creator didn't destroy the Earth with a Flood, this Earth would be destitute of humankind because the Giants would have eaten them all and they would dominate us as a human beings.

So what happened to the Giants after they die? And who killed them? Ever heard of the Titan battle in Greek mythology?

O come on tell us what happened to those 200 angels, please. Bad news, more angels will rebel in the End Times and they will be cast down to Earth. Bad News, people will give allegiance to them.

My guess is -- the kings of Cambodia were probably the sons of heaven, but they died like men because they were the by product of unholy cross breeding.

Where is this idea of Monkey god come from? It all had to do with these 200 angelic beings doings. This is why GMO food will not be a good thing, its a corruption in the name of science, fallen angelic doctrine. Man used to live 500 - 900 long life span of Old, but do to corruption and judgment 90's to 100's is at best now days.

A glimmer of HOPE, the Restoration is coming to those who align themselves to depart of from Hell beneath.

Blessed is the man who walk not in the council of the ungodly nor stand in the congregation of the wicked nor sit in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the Counsel of the Holy Scriptures. Sin will be dealt with a final Blow. Death will be Destroyed, meaning dying is DONE! Don't make Covenant with Death. This is what is happening in this world through propaganda Fallen Angels Doctrine.

Jesus came to redeem you from Death to give you life. I suggest you make Covenant to Life instead. The Dead in Christ will rise first and then those who are alive shall be caught up with him in the cloud. That if you have made Covenant with Life. I am the Way and Truth and Life, said Jesus. He hath the KEYS of LIFE and Death, no one else does.

When someone hath the Keys of life and death this mean he hath power over you to give you life or to give you death. The choice is yours. Your name is written in the BOOK of LIFE the day you were born but if you make the Covenant with death whose fault it it?

This is the TRUTH, All our names are in the BOOK of LIFE. Only you and I can ERASE it from the BOOK of LIFE! Jesus came to GIVE LIFE ETERNAL in the world to come. This Old world will be destroyed.