Tuesday, 27 December 2022

លោក គឹម សុខ៖ ការលក់ទ្រព្យមេដឹកនាំបក្សប្រឆាំង យកលុយចែកគ្នា ជាទង្វើអសីលធម៌

Khmer Circle: 

In the sixties and seventies, the Vietnamese and their Khmer proteges - Khmer Vietminhs - loved to recruit and work with uneducated Cambodians, many of whom were either very young, of rural peasant stock or on the rum from the law and the authorities one way or another. When one was in any of these groups - young, illiterate, impoverished or criminals - personal choices and options would have been severely limited and this would have been further reduced by a narrower scope of understanding or world-view as this pertained to the world around them. When one is in that frame of mind and in those circumstances; not even having the basic moral cognition of what is right or wrong, right or wrong deeds become immaterial to one and more importantly, having no self-determination or self-mastery over own destiny rendering one vulnerable to others' direction and manipulation.

Just as the colonial French chose the 19 year-old Sihanouk to nominally sit on the throne ahead of more suitable candidates - like members of the Sirikmatak family - the Vietnamese chose and groomed a KR defector - Hun Sen, still in his early twenties or late teens - for much the same reason. Both have proved to be more than ideal tools for political manipulations for these people and, above all, unmitigated disasters for their small nation.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With Ah Chker Chkuot Hun Sen, confiscating and selling the opposotion's properties are the right thing to do.