Tuesday 28 January 2020

Cambodia Confirms First Coronavirus Case

By Sokummono Khan
January 27, 2020 11:55 AM
A thermal scanner monitors arriving passengers at Phnom Penh international airport in Cambodia, Jan. 22, 2020.
A thermal scanner monitors arriving passengers at Phnom Penh international airport in Cambodia, Jan. 22, 2020.

PHNOM PENH - The Cambodian Ministry of Health confirmed Monday evening the first case of the novel coronavirus in the country’s coastal province of Preah Sihanouk.  

One male member of a Chinese family, which had flown into Sihanoukville from Wuhan, China, was confirmed infected with the virus, said Health Minister Mam Bunheng. Three other members of his family are currently under observation at the Preah Sihanouk Referral Hospital.  

The family arrived in Cambodia on January 23 and the 60-year-old Chinese national Jia Jinhua started to show flu-like symptoms on January 25, while staying at a hotel in Sihanoukville, said the health minister.

"After Jia Jinhua was swimming at the pool [at the hotel] he had a fever," said Mam Bunheng.

Mam Bunheng added that the family had stayed at two different hotels for three nights in the coastal town. On the 26th, local health officials tested the man for the coronavirus, which was confirmed at 3 p.m. Monday afternoon.

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