Thursday, 19 March 2020

របបចោរាធិបតេយ្យនាំឲ្យប្រទេសស្ថិតក្នុងការវិនាស ហើយពលរដ្ឋរងទុក្ខមិនចេះចប់


Anonymous said...

When will Cambodia stop using Meatra Buon ?

Meatra Buon Ah Chor Ruoch Kluon Mchas Chorp Kouk.

It started from the top. The CPP hold the power to lead the Country, but the people who committed act of Treason are always belong to the opposition party, for example in the past the FUNCINPEC and now the CNRP.

Regarding the forest, the criminals who cut the trees down are right whereas the people who protect the forest are wrong.

This is the regime of Ah Yuon's slave Hun Sen.

How long Khmer people let this asshole Hun Sen lead and destroy Cambodia ??

Anonymous said...

Ah Chker Chkuot Hun Sen,

You have always wanted to keep your power at the expense of Khmer people and Cambodia such as executing the K5 project, signing the bilateral treaties with your master Vietnam, mounting the 1997 coup d'Etat, allowing the illegal Vietnamese to fill Khmer land, putting the so called triangle area under Yuon's control, “playing game" with Corona virus, etc...

Hun Sen recognized that the CPP would lose the 2018 general election against the CNRP.
The cut of EBA was the result of the unconstitutional dissolution of the CNRP. Therefore, having or losing EBA is not relating to Cambodia's sovereignty as pretended by Hun Sen, but relating to Ah Chker Chkuot Hun Sen's persecution of the CNRP’s members as well as the dissolution of the CNRP and most importantly the suppression of the air from Khmer people – democracy.

You can keep barking in the meantime about your regime’s resiliency, but you will be silent in about 2 years when the domino effects of No EBA takes over the situation.

Why do you want to stay in power so long ?

I think you want to stay in power until the Vietnamization of Cambodia is complete and your master Vietnam clearly knew that you were such a faithful slave who would do whatever it takes – killing Khmer people, ceding land to Vietnam - to stay in power.

It is about time that Khmer people show their courage and their spirit of nationalism to challenge this crazy animal Hun Sen …