Thursday 14 May 2020

Perspective: How to free Cambodia from Hun Sen and Vietnam

Performers dressed in Cambodian traditional costumes and Vietnamese soldier uniforms, wave Cambodian and Vietnamese flags during a ceremony to mark the 40th anniversary of the January 7 victory over the Khmer Rouge, in Hanoi, Vietnam on January 4, 2019. Photo: Reuters
Performers dressed in Cambodian traditional costumes and Vietnamese soldier uniforms, wave Cambodian and Vietnamese flags during a ceremony to mark the 40th anniversary of the January 7 victory over the Khmer Rouge, in Hanoi, Vietnam on January 4, 2019. Photo: Reuters

"...the new "front" or movement that involves with guns will empower Hun Sen to crush such a front legally. We must stick with our peaceful means including our willingness to sacrifice our life."

Op-Ed by '93 Years Old Woman'

The situation in Cambodia is not just human right or democracy.
The Hyena Hun Sen was installed by the evil Vietnam to carry and execute Vietnam's plan to annex Cambodia slowly but surely.

This one eyed monster Hun Sen has shown and proven to his master Vietnam that he would do whatever it takes - killing Khmer people, destroying Cambodia - to implement all Vietnam's orders.

As a result, Cambodia has encountered all kind of problems that infuriated Khmer people but they could not do anything against Hun Sen.

Khmer people have never thought that Hun Sen could dissolve the CNRP but Hun Sen did when he saw that the CNRP was a formidable threat to his power.

If Khmer people want to win over this crazy animal Hun Sen, they need to have patience, perseverance, and unwavering conviction in their struggle to free Cambodia from Hun Sen and Vietnam.

For example, Khmer people have overwhelmingly supported the CNRP and Hun Sen plus Vietnam unconstitutionally dissolved the CNRP.

To fight back, Khmer people must stick with the CNRP and peacefully struggling including sacrificing their life for the CNRP to be reinstated.

If we abandon the CNRP and create a new party or a new front as suggested by Yim Sinon, we will go to nowhere because if that front is strong enough to be a threat to Hun Sen, Hun Sen will kill such front again. And Khmer people's pain will go on and on until the Vietnamization of Cambodia is complete and Cambodia will be just a part of Vietnam.

Notice that the new front or movement that involves with guns will empower Hun Sen to crush such front legally. We must stick with our peaceful means including our willingness to sacrifice our life.

In brief, fighting with great determination to get the CNRP reinstated is the only option that Khmer people must do. Hun Sen and Vietnam will not give it up easily but the economic pressure mainly lacking of revenues, the massive social unrest stemming from unemployment, the international pressure will surely force Hun Sen to reinstate the CNRP and bring the democracy back to Cambodia.

Hun Sen cannot withstand all kind of pressures from people all over the world. In addition, even Hun Sen's backbone supporter China has its own problems too.

Khmer people must stay united behind the CNRP. Kanha Leukeu Kem Mono Vitia and Yem Ponharith must shut their mouth up and stop creating frictions among the CNRP's members.

Notice that in 2017, Hun Sen could no longer control the National Election Committee (NEC), which prompted him to dissolve the CNRP to prevent his downfall.

93 Years Old Woman

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"How to free Cambodia from Hun Sen and Vietnam"

Only COVID-19 can do that.