Saturday, 30 April 2022

The City where Thousands of Russians have fled since the Invasion of Ukr...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gross Darkness has covered the earth. This world is a stage for the sons of Darkness to do their biddings. You can fight, hoot and holler all you want but the end result will always be the same!

The sons of Darkness were once the sons of light. They became dark because they wanted to establish a kingdom of their own by violating the command of their Father, who created them and gave them a role in his kingdom. You probably heard this saying, "a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand."

A kingdom that divided itself against the kingdom of the Most High will fall at the End of the Age when their fruits of wickedness is FULLY ripe.

"Righteousness exaltet a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people."

Sin is the ISSUE with mankind! It's not about Democracy and Human Rights. Man was made to live eternally without sin. But sin entered the human race and man die. But there are other beings who entered into the human race and accelerated the destruction of mankind. Unless you know who these beings are you will not know their work of destruction through politics, education and false worship. The Bible term them "the gods of this world."

Because of the original sin of Adam, man can still live to be one thousand years old, perhaps without much aches and pains. But other beings (sons of the Most Hight) from a higher realm came down to earth and did MANY terrible things that had caused a great judgement upon them and mankind. Unless man understand heaven and earth connection, this world is under the power of the sons of DARKNESS! Hinduism religious text portray the conflict very well but with a wrong twist to this truth. The Sumerian Tablets does the same but with the wrong twist. If they are the "Truth", then this world would be a better place. Because their "truth" dominate the sons of Adam. If the Truth suppose to set you free than all should be free. But this is not the case, "Sin is a curse to any nation and people groups".

Redemption is what the world needs! Redemption will come, but not without the wrath of the Almighty God of Israel due to the Gross Darkness that hath enveloped the human thoughts. Evil will be cast down and the purpose of man will be redeemed to worship the One and Only Elohim (God) of Israel.

Seek Him while he may be found. Kiss the Son (Jesus or Yahusha,) lest he be angry and you perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little.

This world had been hijacked by the prince of Darkness from the Most High intended purposed. Mankind has consented to be ruled by the prince of Darkness.