31 Mar, 2017 Touch Sokha
About 30 Borei Keila villagers representing 32 families gathered at Phnom Penh City Hall yesterday to follow up on previous demands for compensation, while authorities said a decision on each application has been made.
“They said they will solve our problem, but they have cheated us . . . They promised to pay us if we weren’t given a home in Borei Keila since the end of 2016 until now. [But] there is no sign of a solution,” villager Pouk Sophin said to reporters outside of City Hall.
City Hall spokesman Met Measpheakdey said that the municipal authorities have reached a decision on all the applications and will announce the results soon, but declined to elaborate.
“We evaluated each case based on the documents they have submitted to us; our committee has evaluated correctly,” he said.